Understanding IV Ketamine: How It Works and Its Benefits

Dr. Ashraf Hanna directs IVKetamine.com in Clearwater, FL, and sees patients daily for ketamine treatment. Our doctor is highly skilled, licensed, experienced, and board-certified in anesthesiology and pain management. 

This medication is a proven pain relief treatment for conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, Crohn's disease, ALS, MS, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, CRPS/RSD, and more. Our doctor wants to talk about how it works and the benefits it may offer you.

What Else is this IV Medication For?

IVKetamine.com in Clearwater, FL, explains that IV Ketamine was once used exclusively as anesthesia but then noted to have a positive effect on depression similar to the effect that antidepressants provide when used in smaller doses.
This medication is a proven and effective solution that helps with mental health conditions like treatment-resistant depression and anxiety disorders and may be recommended when you have tried at least two antidepressant medications that didn't help ease depression symptoms.

How Does IV Ketamine Work?

Ketamine is administered in IV form over 40 minutes, by intramuscular shot, oral lozenges, or in nasal form. IV Ketamine works when at least two oral antidepressants have not been effective.

This IV may be used to treat a host of mental health disorders like PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and suicidal tendencies.

Ketamine increases the production of glutamate nine, a neurotransmitter in the brain. Researchers find that when glutamate levels are low, signs of depression emerge. The job of glutamate is to help the brain repair damaged neurotransmitters and create new ones.

What are the Benefits of this IV Medication?

Research proves that ketamine shows a high response rate, proving to be a transformative treatment if you suffer from chronic pain and some mental health disorders.

Patients can't think of this as an overall cure because some depression symptoms return after about a week and a half. However, some patients saw success for up to three months or more with no depression symptoms.

The treatment usually includes six infusions over two to three weeks with a doctor's follow-up. Some people require a monthly booster shot, while others are in remission.

Call Us Today!

You undoubtedly seek relief from your chronic pain or unrelenting signs and symptoms of depression, and you get little help or hope from your doctors.

Call Dr. Hanna at 727-538-2646 at IVKetamine.com in Clearwater, Florida, to schedule your Ketamine consultation appointment today! We take the time to answer your questions, determine if you are a candidate for treatment, and review any possible short-term side effects.

You may not be a candidate for this IV if you have high blood pressure, are alcohol intoxicated, or have schizophrenia.  

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